Bessie’s Hope is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit. all donations are tax deductible

Discover Bessie’s Hope

Since its inception in 1993, Bessie’s Hope continues to be a respected, award-winning organization in the field of intergenerational programming.  Sixty percent (60%) of nursing home residents receive NO personal visitors, and Bessie’s hope offers a solution.  By providing education and training for youth groups, adult groups, families and individuals, the volunteers participate in ongoing, relationship-building visits with nursing home/assisted living elders. 


Communities benefit from: elders being honored and feeling valued again;  youth having increased social/emotion intelligence;  decreased bullying;  and the lessening of ageism toward older people.

Bessie's Hope in Action

Bessie’s Hope Intergenerational Programs

Youth & Elders
Family & Elders

Generations United annually recognizes outstanding intergenerational programs with the Program of Distinction designation. This designation, developed and launched in 2010 with support from the New York Life Foundation, serves as the U.S. benchmark for intergenerational programs and is based on the criteria that underpin the effectiveness of any intergenerational program. The intention of the designation is to recognize excellence while celebrating the rich diversity among intergenerational programs.